Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Pearls before Wine

A lot has happened since I made my last Unfashion post: In March, I had an upsetting breakup which triggered insomnia which just never resolved, so I haven't had much energy for blogging. Other things that happened, though, were that most COVID closings and restrictions started getting rolled back, and I began dating again, which means I've had lots of opportunities to go out and get dressed up. So it's not for lack of outfits that my blog has been a desolate wasteland—just lack of motivation!

I have been taking a lot of outfit photos and then feeling too tired to share them. I probably wouldn't have posted this one either, but for one reason that I'm going to withhold for a few more paragraphs.

The focal point of this outfit is the shirt, a pearl-studded affair with a choker-like strip across the neckline. Pearl-studded everything, along with this style of shirt, both had their heyday around 2017, so it's appropriate that the ever-late Unfashonista finally got to try both of them four years past their prime. I was almost too embarrassed to wear such an obvious throwback, but I needed some fresh new tops for all the dates I've been going on, and I figured most men aren't aware enough of fashion to notice.

I ended up not wearing the shirt for a date at all, but for a winery visit with some friends—and the sole reason for this choice was so I could use the phrase "Pearls before Wine" as a title on a blog post. The shirt is even wine-colored, so it works on many levels!

Phew! I'm glad I achieved that goal and somehow managed to hammer out this narrative! Now back to my regularly scheduled sleep-deprived daze!

Naturally I had to wear pearl earrings!

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