in my wildest dreams did I think a surgical-inspired facemask would
become part of my daily attire, but here we are. In the state of
Maryland, it is now required by law (or is it executive order? Facemask,
Fahcemask, I guess) to wear a face covering any time you will be
interacting with people in public, and it looks like that's going to be
the norm for quite some time.
since I'll probably be wearing facemasks pretty regularly for the
foreseeable future, and since all my usual avenues for creative
sartorial expression have been cut off, it should surprise no one that
"Make fancy facemask" became a must-do project for me.
In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, back when it felt like the sky was falling and there was a shortage of everything,
I learned that some home sewists were starting to make fabric facemasks
to help out people on the front lines. I jumped on the opportunity to
join them and soon found a local group that was sewing and collecting
masks for distribution in the area. So I've been sewing masks for months
now and have actually learned to do it tolerably well (much different
from my usual haphazard DIYs!). I am by no means fast (I usually manage
about 6 finished masks per week!) but I now feel quite confident in my
ability to sew a face mask from scratch!
kept several of my early prototypes and "mistakes", so I have a
decent-sized collection, but they don't make me feel good when I wear
them. And in these depressing days, you have to do whatever you can to
feel good. If that means wearing a festive facemask to the grocery
store, then so be it! I debated long and hard about how I wanted to make
my own personal facemask fun—rhinestones? glitter? graphics? trims? The
answer came to me in the form of a ruined pillow.
Back when
my dog had fleas
last fall, I packed up most of the soft objects in my house and put
them in the shed so I wouldn't have to flea-spray them every week. My
shed doesn't leak, so I'm not quite sure how it happened, but when I
finally brought them back inside last month, I found that several items
had mold and water damage—including a pretty cool quilt that folds into a
pillow. The stains didn't wash out, but fortunately, only the exterior
pocket (the piece that helps it become a pillow) was ruined. I was able
to remove that and salvage the quilt.

The fabric is lots of fun,
featuring line-drawn forest creatures peeking out from an array of
graphic flowers. It's just the kind of whimsical thing that I want on my
face! Here's a picture of the front of the pillow pocket after I'd
already taken it apart and cannibalized some of the fabric. The larger
piece was just big enough to make a double-layer facemask!

isn't a mask-sewing tutorial (there are plenty out there now!) so I
won't be going into the details of how I constructed my mask, but it was
based on the
"Type A - Normal Face Mask" pattern from Craft Passion.
I've tried several face mask patterns, but this one is my favorite
based on fit and ease of sewing (especially if you don't bother with
making casing for the elastic and just attach it directly!). It also has
variations, so you can find one that best suits your sewing and wearing
style. My one warning for this mask pattern, is it does seem to run
small. I'm a woman with a fairly small head, and I wear the "man"-sized
mask. For larger adults, this pattern might not actually be big enough,
but I'm sure the front curve could just be extended if necessary.

my newly salvaged fabric, I was able to make a mask with one side
prominently featuring an owl, and the other side featuring a rabbit! It
was reversible! [Pro Tip: Don't reverse your medical facemask without
washing it first!]

But there was a problem—it was also prominently
featuring the same stains that had marred it when it was a pillow.
Embellishments to the rescue! Not only would they be able to hide the
ugly parts, they'd also do that little something extra to make the mask a
work of art!

the remaining scraps, I cut out a few of the printed flowers. I didn't
want them to fray, so I put permanent fabric glue around their outside
edges on the back. You can just barely see it as a glossy sheen in the

I wanted
the flowers to really pop, so I hand-stitched around their centers and
gathered the thread, causing the cloth to pucker.

I opened up the bottom seam of the mask (if I'd been thinking in
advance, I wouldn't have sewn the bottom to begin with, but we improvise
here!) and sewed the flowers to the owl layer directly on top of the
worst stains. I put more flowers on the rabbit layer in different
positions, purely for show.
Then I repaired the bottom seam and was good to go!
the first day I wore the new "fashion" mask in public, I really pulled
out all the stops! I put on eye makeup for the occasion and boots with
actual heels! I don't think I've worn anything but flats since March, so
it was indeed a thrill! I rocked the mask at Home Depot and
the Post Office, but sadly did not get any comments. People are so much
less friendly when we're all wearing masks. Oh well...maybe I'll try
again the next time I venture out of my house in another 2 weeks!