This week, I had endovenous laser ablation done on my great saphenous veins on both legs! Those are a lot of new words to me, but what it boils down to is that I had to wear thigh-high compression stockings for 7 days.
I realized that having to wear compression stockings was going to cramp my style quite a bit, especially if the weather warmed up, but I realized also that one week of compression stockings = Fashion Challenge! So let's have at it!
Tuesday: Comfy Hippie
Excuse the mirror selfies. Most were taken in a rush before or after appointments! |
The first day of my CS challenge, I went in to get my first treatment in the early afternoon. I was only getting one leg done, so I'd only have to wear the stocking on one leg. Not knowing what to expect, I figured my best bet was to go covered-up and comfortable. I wore soft loose pants, a comfortable tunic over them, and a pair of medium-heeled brown boots. No sign of my legs or my single stocking in this modest ensemble!
Wednesday: Goth Grandma
My other leg was scheduled for ablation this afternoon. For most of the day, I'd be wearing only one compression stocking. Now, I'm all about asymmetry in my clothing, but a different color for each leg seemed a little too much. So once again, the goal for the day was full coverage. I decided to go with the long black pleated skirt that hasn't seen much air time since I wore it in this blog over 3 years ago. For my top, I wore a black lace mini-dress that I folded up underneath to turn into a shirt. With forecast temperatures of only 60 degrees, a sleeveless shirt wasn't going to cut it, so I covered up further with a beige sweater that complemented the beige in the shirt.
Laser ablation isn't crippling, but it does sting a little, and it's surprisingly hard to bend one's knees whilst wearing compression socks. So knowing that I might be stiff and clumsy coming out of my procedure, I decided that sky-high stiletto heels were out. And because of the need to cover my entire leg and foot, basically my only shoe choice was some kind of boot. I felt like I had a pretty good granny vibe going with the long skirt and the cardigan, so I decided to play it up with a pair of lace-up boots that have a vaguely Victorian feel. At the same time, the sheer amount of black put me in mind of something a little less grandma and a little more heavy metal. So I ornamented my neck with a metal rose on a black cord. I always feel edgy when wearing that necklace.
The best thing that happened that day was I got asked by my ultrasound technician if I am a model (on account of my legs, which are apparently long—not, I'm sure, for my fashion-forward ensemble).
Thursday: Pastel Shopaholic
I was tired of all the dowdy dressing and the shades of neutral that I'd been wearing all week (I'd actually dressed for compression stockings on Monday, too, having gotten the date of my appointment wrong). But as it turned out, almost everything in my wardrobe that's suited for low-seventies weather and thigh-high stockings is also in those colors. I probably spent nearly an hour scouring my closet for something colorful and flattering to wear on my third day.
It was hard work, but when I scored, I scored big! This outfit comprises not one, but two new additions to my closet—the asymmetrical layered black skirt, and the mint-green lace top. This was the first day that I'd be wearing compression stockings on both legs, so I thought it was high time I actually let them show. Black compression stockings or tights—they're all the same to the casual onlooker, right?
Actually, they're not. The compression socks are much thicker than any pair of tights I would wear, and it shows. I felt there was too little contrast between the skirt and the stockings. If I were going to do this outfit again, I'd wear it with a more flared skirt.
Friday: Lady in Red Shoes
My black compression socks enclose my whole foot, but my beige ones have open toes. I didn't imagine I'd like them much when I bought them (but they were the cheapest pair available, so I did it anyway), and they have proven to be just as bad as I feared! But when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade! I decided to make the socks' most annoying feature work in my favor on this unseasonably warm (as forecast) day, by wearing them with open-toe shoes.
See any compression socks? I don't think so! |
I figured the open lace of the shoes' body would make up for the ventilation problems with open-toed boots that I'd surmised about when I first expressed my tragic love for them last year. Designing an outfit around this pair of boots was another hour-long endeavor. I had to find something to wear on my legs that was long enough to hide the tops of my stockings, but short enough not to hide the tops of my boots. I had to find something that looked good with red, and something that was suitably light for warm weather. Finally I found it in this grey plaid dress (also last featured with red) and black vest. I tied everything together with some red jewelry.
I am sure that people who are observant can see that it's not actually my legs on display, but rather a pair of support hosiery, but I'm actually pretty pleased with how the compression stockings look on me. They are a better match for my skin tone than pretty much any pair of pantyhose I've ever found.
Four days of compression socks down, three to go! I ended up being a lot more verbose in this chronicle than I intended (what else is new?), so I'm going to give you a break and present it in two parts. You can expect the conclusion of my compression sock saga after my follow-up appointment next Monday!